Located in the heart of Salt Lake City, the Cathedral of the Madeleine is best known as the second most beautiful Cathedral in the country. It is over 100 years old, with recent renovations from 1975-1980 to restore the Cathedral to the beauty that you see today.
While exquisitely glorious in art, the Cathedral is certainly not lacking in character. Among the beauty of this church, many fun quirks and interesting facts emerge. You may be surprised by how many unusual pieces are filled within this Cathedral!

Mary and Her Unicorn
The Cathedral is world-renowned for it's colorful stainglass windows that surround the structure. On the left and right sides of the building, you can reflect on the Joyful and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.
Paying very close attention, on the very first window on the left side, you'll find a reflection on the Annunication with Mary and a unicorn at the very top! This symbolizes her purity and virginity

The Organ Felt Around the World
At the back of the Church, you'll find a magnificent organ, still in use today! The organ has over 4,000 pipes, with the largest pipes being so massive that wehen played, the vibration is felt throughout the church.
Only one person is playing in the organ loft at a time, so they watch the conductor through a monitor to play with the rest of the choir!

Six-Toed Eve
Paying attention to the woman kneeling in the leopard print, by looking at her left food, you'll notice that her big toe was added. As a result, this painting depicts Eve with six toes! It is unclear if this was intentional, or an accidental mistake.

What's Martin Luther Doing in a Catholic Church?
This stain glass window, depicting the finding in the temple, sneekily hides Martin Luther in the image. Looking at the left side of this photo, you'll see a man wearing a purple outfit and hat. This is intended to be a depiction of Martin Luther himself!
God's Providence
For the Jubilee Year, the Cathedral is displaying this relic of the True Cross. In this display, they set up a tree with lights behind the cross.
However, you'll notice at the right angle that the lights miraculously form a depiction of Our Lady! The man setting up the lights had no intention of this (because how could you plan something like that?), yet you'll see the Blessed Mother right behind this relic. A woman who never tires of loving her Son!

Intentional Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross, surrounding the Cathedral interior, take on a non-traditional perspective of iconography. The artist was intentional about the symbols chosen, especially as they relate to the people in the Salt Lake City area. In this image, you'll even find a Daughter of Charisty depicted.
The Cathedral of the Madeline is beautiful, historic, and points all to God through art. It is under the patron of St. Mary Magdeline, and encourages people of all faiths to journey to this Cathedral and take in what God has in store!
Learn more about the Cathedral of the Madeleine via:
The Cathedral Website: https://www.utcotm.org
The Everyday Saint Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/6bf5mAGIRIxBBmihAsG1b4?si=2e37ace559c24572
The Everyday Saint YouTube Tour: https://youtu.be/L93Nab0XsT0