School is in full swing, friends are changing, you don’t know what to major in, your wallet seems to be getting thinner and thinner…
Now what? Usually, you start reaching for the bag of chips and a comfort movie, or scroll for hours, maybe go to Starbucks just because “I deserve this”, spend way too much money shopping, you know the drill.
Suddenly, being overwhelmed is the precursor for bad habits.
Yet, we can look at Jesus’ life and see that he had coping mechanisms too. The day he was arrested to be sentenced to death, he secluded himself. He gathered his friends together, sought support, and prayed. We can learn a lot from Jesus at this moment.
Instead of asking, “how can I get out of this?” and masking your stress, think “how is God calling me above my bad habits? What is the Lord teaching me in this moment?” Then, do as Jesus did. Seek support, put down the phone, talk to a friend, and dedicate intentional time to prayer. There is a way out of overwhelm, and that is only through trust in the Lord.
“Make haste to answer me, Lord, for my spirit fails me” (Psalm 143:7)
Embrace meaningful reflection with these prayer journals: