Our Lady of Champion, located in Champion, WI is the only approved Marian Apparition site in the United States! Located in Wisconsin farmland, this Marian Apparition is humble yet miraculous.
Adele Brise, the visionary of the Shrine, saw a lady dressed in white appear in the woods of Wisconsin in 1859. Over the course of a few days while walking to Mass, she came upon this woman three times. At the third apparition, she asked the woman, “In God’s name, who are you and what do you want of me?”
The lady replied, “I am the Queen of Heaven who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I wish you to do the same. You received Holy Communion this morning and that is well. But you must do more. Make a general confession and offer Communion for the conversion of sinners. If they do not convert and do penance, my Son will be obliged to punish them.”
“What more can I do, dear Lady?” asked Adele.
“Gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they should know for salvation.” Replied Our Lady.
“But how shall I teach them who know so little myself?” Adele said.
“Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the sign of the Cross, and how to approach the sacraments; that is what I wish you to do. Go and fear nothing, I will help you.”
What a beautiful message from Our Lady! She encourages her children to take seriously the Sacraments and to rely on the grace of the Lord. The Blessed Mother also teaches us that, even in our weakness, she will guide us to her Son. Even in our short comings, the Lord will sanctify our work and give us strength.
While visiting the Shrine myself, I was able to visit the chapel, school house, Rosary walk, Stations of the Cross, Adele Brise's grave, and the basement of the Church, which hosts the original statue of Mary--placed exactly where Mary would've appeared and has an impressive collection of relics (including all 12 Apostles).
One of the most noteable miracles at the Shrine took place on October 8, 1871. This was the date of the great Peshtigo Fire. While the same day as the Chicago fire, the Peshtigo Fire revials this tragedy as the most devestating in United States.
In faith, families flocked to the Shrine for safety, praying for a miracle. Throughout the fire, Adele led the people in Rosaries and Marian processions, asking Our Lady for safety. Miraculously, everything around the Shrine burned to ashes while the fence of the Shrine and everything inside of it remained unscathed.
The next day, October 9th and the anniversary of Adele's Marian vision, rain fell from the sky, extinguishing the fire.
Today, the Shrine still serves as a safe haven for pilgrims seeking healing and answered prayers. Over the last 150 years since the apparition, pilgrims have left canes, crutches, and other items after being miraculously healed as well as submitting letters and documenting miracles of healing--emotional, spiritual, and unseen miracles.
Today, the Shrine is a Bishop-approved Marian Apparition, and as of July, 2024, Adele Brise is in the works for canonization in the Catholic Church. The Shrine is humble in it's approach--you could miss it in the rows of cornfields and farms surrounding it! Yet, Mary's presence is felt thorughout the grounds with an overwhelming sense of peace. Mary, a true Servant of God, appears where her people will know they are seen and loved by her Son. This Wisconsin Shrine is proof of Mary's humility and desire for her children to know Jesus.
The message and beauty of the Shrine ring true today as we look to the message of Our Lady given to Adele: teach others about what they need for salvation. Each encounter at the Shrine leads us closer to love of God. We can take confidence in Mary's intercession that we can "go and fear nothing" for Mary will be with us!
Click HERE to listen to The Everyday Saint Podcast episode & learn more about Our Lady's message
Click HERE to watch The Everyday Saint YouTube video for a personal tour of the Shrine